5 Best Practices for Great Landing Pages

Great Landing Pages

A well-crafted landing page is a critical component of any successful digital marketing campaign, especially when working with Google Ads. The landing page is often the first impression a potential customer has of your business, and it plays a pivotal role in converting visitors into leads or customers. To maximize your landing page’s effectiveness, it’s essential to follow best practices that align with the expectations of both users and search engines. Here are five best practices for creating great landing pages, particularly when running Google Ads campaigns.

1. Keep the Design Simple and Focused

One of the most important aspects of a great landing page is its design. A cluttered or confusing layout can quickly turn visitors away, leading to a high bounce rate. Your landing page should have a clean, simple design that directs the visitor’s attention to the primary goal, whether that’s filling out a form, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter.

Best Practices:

  • Minimalism is Key: Avoid unnecessary elements that can distract from the main call to action (CTA). Use white space effectively to make important elements stand out.
  • Consistent Branding: Ensure the landing page design matches your overall brand aesthetic, including colors, fonts, and imagery. Consistent branding helps build trust and familiarity.
  • Single Purpose Focus: Each landing page should have one clear objective. Multiple CTAs can confuse visitors and reduce the overall conversion rate.

2. Craft a Compelling Headline and Subheadline

The headline is often the first thing visitors notice when they land on your page. It needs to be compelling enough to grab their attention and make them want to stay and learn more. A strong subheadline can further clarify the value proposition and encourage users to continue exploring the page.

Best Practices:

  • Be Clear and Concise: Your headline should clearly convey the main benefit or solution your offer provides. Avoid jargon or overly complex language.
  • Highlight the Value: The subheadline should reinforce the primary message and explain what makes your offer unique or valuable.
  • Use Power Words: Incorporate persuasive words like “exclusive,” “proven,” or “guaranteed” to create a sense of urgency and importance.

3. Optimize for Mobile Devices

With a significant portion of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s essential that your landing page is mobile-friendly. A page that doesn’t load properly or is difficult to navigate on a smartphone or tablet can lead to missed opportunities and a higher bounce rate.

Best Practices:

  • Responsive Design: Ensure your landing page is fully responsive, meaning it automatically adjusts to fit any screen size without compromising user experience.
  • Fast Loading Time: Optimize images, minimize code, and use a reliable hosting service to ensure your landing page loads quickly on all devices.
  • Simplified Navigation: Mobile users often prefer a more streamlined experience, so consider using shorter forms, larger buttons, and easy-to-read text.

4. Craft a Strong Call to Action (CTA)

The CTA is the most crucial element on your landing page because it guides visitors toward taking the desired action. A weak or ambiguous CTA can result in lost conversions, so it’s vital to make it clear, compelling, and easy to follow.

Best Practices:

  • Be Direct: Use action-oriented language that clearly states what you want the visitor to do, such as “Download Now,” “Get Started,” or “Claim Your Free Trial.”
  • Stand Out Visually: The CTA button should be prominent on the page, using contrasting colors and larger fonts to draw attention.
  • Limit Options: Avoid giving visitors too many choices. A single, focused CTA increases the likelihood of conversion by reducing decision fatigue.

5. Align the Landing Page with Your Google Ads

One of the most common mistakes in digital marketing is creating a disconnect between your Google Ads and the landing page they link to. If the messaging or offer in your ad doesn’t match the landing page, visitors may feel misled and leave without converting. Ensuring consistency between your ads and landing pages is key to maintaining user trust and improving your Quality Score in Google Ads.

Best Practices:

  • Message Match: The headline and content of your landing page should closely mirror the wording and offer presented in your Google Ad. This alignment reassures visitors they’ve landed in the right place.
  • Relevance and Keywords: Use similar keywords and phrases from your Google Ads in the landing page copy to reinforce the connection and improve SEO.
  • Test and Optimize: Regularly test different versions of your landing page to see which elements perform best. A/B testing can help you refine your CTA, headlines, images, and other components to maximize conversions.


Creating a great landing page is both an art and a science, requiring careful attention to design, content, and user experience. By following these best practices—keeping your design simple, crafting compelling headlines, optimizing for mobile, creating strong CTAs, and aligning your landing page with your Google Ads—you can significantly improve your conversion rates and overall campaign success. Remember, the ultimate goal is to provide a seamless, relevant, and engaging experience that leads visitors to take the desired action.

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