5 Easy Ways to Upskill Your Marketing Team in a Remote World

Upskill Your Marketing Team in a Remote World

As the business world continues to adapt to the remote work environment, ensuring that your marketing team stays at the top of their game is more crucial than ever. Upskilling your team can boost productivity, enhance creativity, and keep your strategies aligned with the latest industry trends. In a remote world, this requires a bit of creativity and strategic planning. Here are five easy ways to upskill your marketing team, especially if you’re looking to enhance your Google Ads expertise.

1. Invest in Online Courses and Certifications

Online courses and certifications are among the most straightforward and effective ways to upskill your marketing team. With countless resources available, you can tailor the learning experience to meet the specific needs of your team members.

Why It Works:

  • Flexible Learning: Team members can learn at their own pace, making it easier to balance work and education.
  • Industry-Relevant Content: Courses often cover the latest trends and techniques, ensuring your team stays ahead of the curve.
  • Certifications Add Value: Earning certifications, particularly in Google Ads, not only improves skillsets but also enhances your team’s credibility with clients and stakeholders.

Where to Start:

  • Google Skillshop: Google offers free training through Skillshop, where your team can earn certifications in Google Ads, including Search, Display, Video, and Shopping ads.
  • Udemy and Coursera: These platforms offer a wide range of marketing courses, from beginner to advanced levels, allowing your team to dive deeper into specific areas like SEO, content marketing, or data analytics.

2. Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning

Creating a culture where continuous learning is valued can transform the way your team approaches upskilling. Encourage your team members to share their knowledge and experiences regularly, turning learning into a collaborative effort.

Why It Works:

  • Encourages Collaboration: Team members can learn from each other, sharing insights and strategies that have worked in their own campaigns.
  • Keeps Skills Fresh: Regular discussions about new tools, trends, or challenges ensure that everyone stays updated.
  • Builds Confidence: When learning is part of the team’s culture, members feel more confident in exploring new ideas and taking on new challenges.

How to Implement:

  • Weekly Learning Sessions: Dedicate an hour each week for team members to present a topic they’ve recently learned about, such as new Google Ads features or marketing trends.
  • Internal Newsletters: Create a monthly newsletter where team members can share articles, courses, or tips they’ve found useful.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pair less experienced team members with those who have advanced skills in areas like Google Ads to foster peer-to-peer learning.

3. Leverage Real-World Practice with Live Projects

There’s no substitute for hands-on experience, especially when it comes to mastering tools like Google Ads. By integrating live projects into your team’s workflow, you provide an opportunity to apply new skills in real-time.

Why It Works:

  • Immediate Application: Learning by doing reinforces new skills, making it easier for team members to remember and utilize them effectively.
  • Improved Problem-Solving: Working on live projects allows your team to troubleshoot issues as they arise, enhancing their problem-solving abilities.
  • Portfolio Building: Successfully completed projects can be showcased in case studies or portfolios, demonstrating your team’s expertise to potential clients.

How to Implement:

  • Create Sandbox Accounts: Set up Google Ads sandbox accounts where team members can experiment with different strategies without risking the company’s budget.
  • Client Projects: Assign smaller client projects to less experienced team members, under the supervision of a senior marketer, to give them hands-on experience.
  • Peer Reviews: After a project is completed, conduct a peer review session where team members can provide constructive feedback and learn from each other’s experiences.

4. Utilize Webinars and Industry Events

Webinars and industry events are excellent resources for staying up-to-date with the latest trends and networking with other professionals. These events often feature industry experts who share valuable insights and strategies that can be directly applied to your marketing campaigns.

Why It Works:

  • Access to Experts: Webinars often feature industry leaders and Google Ads experts who provide insider tips and advanced strategies.
  • Up-to-Date Information: These events cover the latest trends and updates in the marketing world, helping your team stay current.
  • Networking Opportunities: Even in a remote setting, webinars and virtual events offer opportunities to connect with peers and potential collaborators.

Where to Start:

  • Google Marketing Live: Attend Google’s annual event to get the latest updates on Google Ads and other marketing tools directly from the source.
  • HubSpot Webinars: HubSpot regularly hosts webinars on various marketing topics, including digital advertising and inbound marketing strategies.
  • Local and Global Conferences: Participate in virtual marketing conferences like MozCon or Content Marketing World to gain broader industry insights.

5. Encourage Cross-Training within the Team

Cross-training is an effective way to ensure that your marketing team is versatile and well-rounded. By learning skills outside of their primary roles, team members can gain a better understanding of the overall marketing strategy and contribute more effectively.

Why It Works:

  • Builds Versatility: Cross-training allows team members to develop new skills that can be applied across various marketing functions.
  • Improves Collaboration: When team members understand each other’s roles and challenges, it fosters better collaboration and teamwork.
  • Reduces Skill Gaps: Cross-training helps to minimize skill gaps within the team, ensuring that all members are equipped to handle a range of tasks.

How to Implement:

  • Job Shadowing: Encourage team members to spend time shadowing colleagues in different roles to gain a better understanding of their work.
  • Rotational Assignments: Assign team members to work on different types of projects, such as PPC campaigns, content creation, or analytics, to broaden their skill set.
  • Cross-Department Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration with other departments, like sales or customer service, to give your marketing team a more holistic view of the business.


In a remote world, upskilling your marketing team is not just about keeping up with the competition—it’s about staying ahead. By investing in online courses, fostering a culture of continuous learning, providing real-world practice, leveraging webinars, and encouraging cross-training, you can ensure that your team remains agile, knowledgeable, and ready to tackle the challenges of the digital marketing landscape. With a strong focus on Google Ads expertise, these strategies will help your team deliver more effective campaigns, drive better results, and ultimately contribute to your business’s success.

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